Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Darren Huston : Priceline tops on hotel bookings

After beating earnings expectations, the Priceline Group CEO Darren Huston, discusses how macro factors like oil and terrorism impact the travel environment.

Priceline tops on hotel bookings from CNBC.

Darren Huston : Mobile a vital driver of growth for the company

darren huston
Darren Huston
Darren Huston says, "Mobile has been critical to our market share gains in the past year. It’s been driving more of our business direct, through repeats, rather than requiring us to have to buy it. That said, Priceline remains committed to paid acquisition as a technique. We need to keep throwing out the fishing net to acquire more customers, as long as we can do so with a positive return on investment. As mobile receives more direct business we don't have to pay for, we'll adjust our marketing mix to do paid elsewhere."

"Our next move as a company is to address homeowner-managed rather than professionally-managed vacation rentals....There is a lot of interest among our consumers in self-catered products.... We've taken steps here. We've adjusted our business system. We’ve rolled out a simple extranet. We have a lot of things in our pipeline to address the needs for a single-owner model. Delivering single-owner vacation rentals is ultimately where our destination as a company."

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